Sol Enae Lee
Sol Enae Lee
Sol Enae Lee

Crow Series
Crow Series (2016-2019) is rooted in my short text It was Strange Indeed which I edited from my mother's diary. I focused on the visual image of crow's black colour and tried to translate the text's strangeness by using different mediums and ways of presenting. You can read the text and translation between Korean and English here.

Drawing for Crow/ ink on rice paper, 193.9×130.3cm, 2016

installation view of Drawing for Crow and Untitled/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017

installation view of Drawing for Crow/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017

installation on carious wall of Protective Colouring/ 53x45cm/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017

installation view of Untitled and Bird/ <Paper Tragedy>/ Art Sonje Centre, Seoul/ 2017

installation and performing veiw of Stabbing Instrument in the performance <Paper Tragedy>/ black spray on wooden sticks, iso pink/ size variable/Art Sonje Centre, Seoul/ 2017

installation view of Object for Black/ black paint on wooden sticks/ size variable/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017
performing Object for Black in the performance <Paper Tragedy>/ Art Sonje Centre, Seoul/ 2017
performing Object for Black in the performance <Paper Tragedy>/ Art Sonje Centre, Seoul/ 2017
Scores for Black/ pencil on paper/ 26.5×39cm each/ 2017
installation view of Scores for Black/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017

performing view in the performance <It was Strange Indeed>/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017

performing view in the performance <It was Strange Indeed>/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017

performing view in the performance <It was Strange Indeed>/ <Crow Sse Sse Sse>/ The 3rd Place, Seoul/ 2017